Seek out the Truth

Knowledge Message for March 5, 2014 inspired from the Ruach haKodesh

Oh Lord above in Heaven , Help us to read Torah each day

Help to seal our hearts from the evil that leads us astray

Open our eyes to the wiles of him that set the traditions of men

Give us Your Love and Revelation, with strength to begin again

Let those loving hearts who rejoice in these 40 days of Lent

Seek out the real truth of the tradition and find their way back again

Oh Father warm the beats of those who’s hearts have grown so cold

Grant them a Love for the Truth, leaving the lies they’ve all been told

For they Love the Lie more than they Love the truth

This they have all made clear.  

None have seen Your Glory

This we know with tears

Most live their lives with luke warm hearts

Not knowing that they’ll be spewed

For again, alas, they love the lie

Will they ever seek out the truth?

The enemy has ahold of them

for this we can be sure

They worship in vain in profane ways

because they Love not the Truth

Know that Our Fathers have told us these lies

by living the traditions of men.

I tell you the Truth right now my Friends

Seek First the Kingdom and HIM!

Mighty Yeshua we pray to thee

Give us strength to endure

Yea, Lord of Glory please grant us

the wisdom to speak words that cure.

Let them fall like a sowers seed

Upon the dampness of good ground

Let the root nurture them

Let Your Loving Light Warm them

as they rise up from dust and ground

Give them life unto the branches

Let the leaves feel the rushing winds

Fall rain upon us with great measure

Cleansing our Spirit that yearns within

Be Like the Bereans, search for confirmation and truth!

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