The Birthing of a Renewed Mind


Knowledge Message for November 11, 2013 inspired from Revelations 12 - 15

Hear O Israel: YeHoVah Our God, YeHoSHUa is One.  

Let not our children be devoured, let not our children have the breath of darkness come upon them.  Let US set forth a hedge of protection that WE may return back unto Heaven in the perfect WILL & TIME of Him that sent US.  Hear the cries but guard the door with the Kingdom, Power and Glory.  Let the stars in heaven blind all those that would do harm to the man child indwelling iNside.  Let him who deceives the world receive the fatal head wound so that the Kedoshim shall know him that should be healed and shall Deceive yet agAIn all the world.  Let US, the faithful, be Wise in Hearing the Spirit with Prophetic eyes to See how the world is deceived into worshipping the image of the beast, iN the “Palm” of the+IR hand.

Oh let the wise be pierced in the heart that they shall see that the people upon the earth are indwelled by the beast and the fight is within to kill the fleshly, Lustful Nature, of the carnal mind which is of The beast.  Those that take not the seal of YeHoVah Our God, The One Spirit of TRUTH, have already been marked for they are the 2/3 of the world to be destroyed, 2/3 = .666.  Let us rule and reign by the birthing of a Renewed Mind of The Anointed Son, that we may endure and overcome unto the end.  Let us sing the Song of Moses with a renewed mind, having received the Seal & Mark of God’s Salvation which is HIS HEBREW NAME and Sign - Aleph, Head of an Ox, & the Tav, A CrossiNg Over.  Let the scales be removed from our eyes that we shall see ALL the Love of God radiating from the Hearts of the Kedoshim that Love The Father’s Son as One.

Let us become the living sacrifice that we may pass through the veil unto the Holy of Holies this day with the Mind of Yeshua Ha Mashiach upon our shoulders having eaten the hidden manna, having God’s name inscribed upon our hearts while holding the budding rod up high to the cherubim that they would grant us entry back into The Garden of Eden forevermore.

Rejoice for WE, Who HAVE Overcome,

Shall Take His Hand and Walk the Land  

“In the Garden of Eden”

with The Hope of Glory Burning BRIGHTLY iNside!

Iron & Clay MiXed for a Double Portion Healing on the Preparation Day!

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