Heart that Sees No Wrong

sees no wrong

Knowledge Message for November 3, 2013 inspired from Titus 3

Did you drive past or look the other way to one holding a small sign at the stop light along your journey?  What were the thoughts in your mind as you turn back on what was put in your heart as you drove by?  I hope you have fond memories of these moments for they are there to test the word and the deeds of the hearts of men.  For a small token with a sincere word from Him who reigns in us, is all that is required of you.  A small portion of your good fortune from the Lord but most importantly, The Words of encouragement should be the focus of your charity.

Do you not have memories such as theses?  Does the callous on your heart tell you they are conning you for a few bucks to by a bottle of wine to.  Yea, my friends we have all done passers by in the ways of a calloused heart.  Perhaps you just travel by with absolute indifference.  This is the heart that sees no wrong in what they do and are likened to The Church that has lost the Love for the truth.  The calloused heart can be circumsized as it is still alive but a heart that is dead to the truth will rot in the grave and be judged for the lack of Love for the Truth.

Search your heart for truth as you cross the next passer by.  Grant them a coin and a spirit filled word or two as you  go along your way.  For in so doing you will confirm the Love in your Heart by the deed of charity which are the two deeds to share with others that emanate from the tabernacle of the Mind of Christ.  For when you live and speak upon the spiritual nature of men, you may be speaking to angels and be unaware.  Pray to always be found worthy to be cleansed, by the washing of The Word, by kind and loving deeds unto strangers along The Way.

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